Anki support


If there’s one thing EMT love,
it’s Anki

It shortcuts your learning time, reinforces the information you’re consuming, and helps you memorize facts long term for you to boost your exam score. What’s not to love?

  • step 1 tutoring

    Setting up Anki to save you time

    When you prepare for such complex exams like CBSE, USMLE, or COMLEX you just cannot waste your time. We are making you more efficient for you, but setting up Anki, using our Elite deck.

  • step tutoring

    Anki follow-ups to commit you to success

    Anki is one of the biggest contributors to your score. But keeping up Anki cards is an even bigger contributor. To ensure that you keeping up your Anki- we are constantly following you up on everything Anki-related

  • anki nbme cbse free

    Researching the best Anki decks for you

    Preparing for the Histology exam? Cannot find an Anatomy deck for thyroid circulation? We got you on everything!

Anki will increase your score ONLY if you use it properly

We’ve heard from a lot of our students about their struggles with Anki - things like changing settings to your exams or study material, or how to set up the deck cards. To be honest, we’ve actually had a few people tell us they’ve given up with Anki because they couldn’t figure it out, and we don’t want that to be you!

Whilst other Med students struggle to get a hold of Anki, you can rest knowing that it’s all taken care of.

This is the reason we have our own Anki specialist - Tyler. The importance of Anki in your exam success journey cannot be overstated, and so we thought it would be helpful to get someone on board who knew the app like the back of their hand.

Active repetition resources like Anki have the power to incredibly transform your exam results and in turn, your medical career. That’s why it’s so important that you call on the support of people that know how to make it work for you.

With EMT you have 24/7 support from our Anki specialist

  • step 1 tutoring

    Teaching how to do your own Ankis on your incorrects

    For you constantly go through your weak concepts.

  • step tutoring

    Video recordings of all Anki setup sessions

    All sessions are recorded and stored for easy accessibility by our students. You also have the option of downloading the videos.

  • anki nbme cbse free

    Support 24/7

    Experience top-notch support 24/7 whatever happens. Write to if you have any Anki-related questions!.

And that’s not it!

EMT proudly presents

Making Anki cards for you to free up your precious time

Want to free up your precious time and retain your med school lectures to get even better scores on your med school exams?

We are the only company that will make Anki cards for you!